Christophe Huet is a French photo retouching artist. He studied music, sound engineering before working in a photo laboratory and as a printer. Interested by drawing, he finally ended to retouching… Christophe Huet met photographer Dimitri Daniloff in the early 2000 and they used to work hand in hand on advertising projects. Since 2005 he is retoucher and manager at Asile, Paris. Christophe Huet works with the best advertising photographers, he says trying to make the retouch as invisible as possible, in order to keep the singularity of the images. There is a fantastic “making of” section in his site. Today the look of professional photography is very dependent on the process called postproduction.
Still the whole fame for the picture goes to photographer, but… we should not forget about “magicians” who spend hours (days!) on improving colors, contrasts and composing together finer details which create the perfect photo. He is the trendsetter in world-class retouching and post production! He composites computer generated art and photography in order to melt the barrier between waking life and the dream world within his wonderfully surreal advertisements. Critically acclaimed French photographer has created campaigns for the biggest companies in the industry. He is widely known for his craftsmanship in photo-manipulation. Check out his wide range of themes and subject matter after the break.
Art of the image
Citroen C4 Picasso Baby
“The mind which plunges into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the best part of childhood.” -ANDRÉ BRETON
Don’t wait too long – STIHL ads
Surreal imagination
You can check his other artworks: Christophe Huet