Alexey Andreev (b. 1972) is a Russian artist, lives and works in Saint-Petersburg. “It sounds paradoxical but digital art attracts me because it is free of technological influence. While in traditional arts technologies dramatically limit the artist – his ability to stylize works in graphics or extremely time consuming process of paint drying, in digital painting I sit in front of a screen, grab the stylus and see the result immediately. Another advantage I find in digital arts is the absence of such sensitive for many definitions as “original”. The pixels can only be shown as artist wanted them to be shown, the parameters of each pixel are identical on any screen. Why do I find it great?
Because traditional visual art have long ago lost it’s purity. It is overfetished, so to speak. Canvas and stretcher now mean a lot more then real art and its beauty. This created the overwhelming wish to possess the originals and readiness to pay huge amounts of money. Contrary, my high definition works are not at all expensive. Thanks to moderate pricing in the form of prints they open so many doors. Thanks to their digital origin people are not distracted with things not connected to art…” (You can buy his artworks from his official website, you have it in the end of this article)
To treasured island
“The vice named surrealism is the immoderate and impassioned use of the stupefacient image or rather of the uncontrolled provocation of the image for its own sake and for the element of unpredictable perturbation and of metamorphosis which it introduces into the domain of representation; for each image on each occasion forces you to revise the entire Universe.” – Louis Aragon
Trailing gardens an orchestra
Water tower
SOURCE: His official website Alexey Andreev